While it may take between 9 months and a year or so from the time you requested your hearing to the date your hearing is actually scheduled, the actual proceeding does not take very long at all.
Usually, an average Social Security Disability hearing will take approximately 45 minutes. If a vocational expert has been called for testimony add another half an hour or so. While there are exceptions, the Social Security proceeding usually takes no longer than an hour and a half.
During the proceedings, the Judge will question the claimant and vocational expert, if requested. Following the Judge’s questioning, your attorney will be allowed to ask additional questions and, if necessary, make a summation following the hearing.
Having attended numerous Social Security hearings, the questions are always the same. In order to properly prepare for a hearing, we prepare our clients for the exact questions that will be asked so that there are no surprises at the time of the hearing.
If you have requested a hearing or are unsure as to whether you may qualify for benefits, feel free to contact us.